At its core Mirabeau Gin is a classic Dry Gin. Mirabeau has used a 100% grape-based neutral spirit which adds roundness and subtle fruitiness to the palate. Lemons and Coriander add layers of fresh citrus character. Orris and Angelica roots impart floral and earthy tones respectively. Rose Petals, Lavender and Jasmine are used sparingly to bring a variety of floral tones. Finally, Bay, Thyme and Rosemary add a finely balanced herbaceous character to the blend.
The various components bring a softness to a classic core, making this gin round enough to be sipped alone. Mirabeau suggests adding a dry vermouth for the perfect Martini or topping with your favourite tonic. Mirabeau has partnered with Fever Tree Aromatic Tonic to create the signature Mirabeau Dry Gin and Tonic, garnished with a sprig of rosemary.
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